A casual walk around the neighborhood in a small group of 4 or less. Each walk is GPS tracked by Doggy Logs (app used to send clients their daily walk summary) which includes the start/end time, a photo of your pet, and a short recap of what we did that day (30 or 60 Minutes)
1 Dog
30 Minute Walk Full-Time (4-5 days/wk=$35/day)
60 Minute Walk Part-Time (3 day minimum/wk=$45/day)
2 Dogs In The Same Household
30 Minute Walk ($45/dog/Full Time or Part Time)=$90/day
60 Minute Walk ($70 /dog /Full Time or Part Time)=$140/day
Great for older pets or for those who prefer solitude over group play- Includes reinforcement of basic obedience, proper leash manners, socialization, and mental stimulation exercises. Each walk is GPS tracked by Doggy Logs (app used to send clients their daily walk summary) which includes the start/end time, a photo of your pet, and a short recap of what we did that day
1 Dog
30 Minute Walk (Full Time/Part Time)= $45/day
60 Minute Walk (Full Time/Part Time)=$55/day
2 Dogs In The Same Household
30 Minute Walk ($45/dog/Full Time or Part Time)=$90/day
60 Minute Walk ($55 /dog /Full Time or Part Time)=$110/day
Best option for HIGH ENERGY CANINES- off leash playgroup for dogs who need to run. Location is dependent upon your pets obedience level. Dogs without recall skills will be taken to an enclosed park. Dogs who do have a proofed recall will be taken to open areas for running and hiking (60-90 Minutes) Locations: Presidio, Ft Funston, or Baker/Ocean Beach. *Price is determined during meet n greet and is dependent upon training needs
Full Time (4-5 days/wk) or Part Time (3 day minimum/wk)= $35-$45/day
We offer an on the go outdoor daycare option allowing your pet to participate in on leash neighborhood walks and Power Pup Playgroup. Daycare dogs cruise around and walk with each dog on the schedule that day. Basic Obedience Training included
4-6 hour reservations only ($70)
We offer an affordable option for obedience training and exercise combined into one service. 30-45 minute structured walks will teach your dog new skills such as: sit/down/wait-stay, loose leash walking and recall. This service is great for reactive cases. This service provides a bathroom break in addition to mental and physical stimulation while you work
Reservations are first come first serve daily ($50/session)
15-30 minute walk OR until your pet goes potty, whichever comes first. Puppy potty breaks include play and feeding.
This service is only offered to clients currently enrolled in our exercise program or as a temporary service for puppies under 6 months old $25
*Potty Breaks are substituted for Playgroup on rainy days
Do you need your dog taken to a grooming or vet appointment? We provide reliable pet transport for clients enrolled in our regular exercise program
Price TBD